
RocketTON Logo
Become a God of Space!

An exciting play-to-earn game where you can earn cryptocurrency rewards.
Join now and start your adventure in space!

Play and Get Rewards

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Master of the Universe

Master of the Universe

God of Space

God of Space



Earn Rewards

Earn Rewards

Collect virtual coins and crypto tokens through gameplay and achievements.

Daily Bonuses

Daily Bonuses

Log in daily to claim exclusive bonuses and increase your rewards.

Referral Bonuses

Referral Bonuses

Invite friends and earn bonus rewards for each successful referral.



Increase your balance and get RocketTON tokens!

How to Play?

Place your bet and press the Start button to launch the rocket! As the rocket flies, a multiplier increases your bet. Press the Stop button to get your profit! But be careful, because the rocket can crash at any moment, and if it does, you'll lose your bet!

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How to play: Interface How to play: Success
How to play: Auto Launch


You can play with Virtual Bets or Crypto Bets (coming soon), either manually or with automatic settings. In both modes, you can use the Auto Stop feature to automatically withdraw your profits. In auto mode, you can choose a strategy to increase or decrease your bet after a win or loss and keep the game going in a loop!

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  • Phase 1: Launch & Community Building

    • App Launch with Virtual Balances. Deploy the mini-app with virtual currency mechanics, allowing users to earn, spend, and manage their virtual balances.
    • Beta Testing & Feedback Loop. Roll out the app to a closed group of beta testers, collecting valuable feedback to improve user experience and gameplay mechanics.
    • Community Onboarding. Launch community channels (Telegram, Discord, X) to start building a dedicated user base.
    Q3 2024
  • Phase 2: Growth & Engagement

    • Open Beta & Feature Expansion. Open the app to the public and introduce new features based on beta feedback, such as leaderboards, daily missions, and referral rewards.
    • Target 1M Users. Execute a marketing campaign focused on reaching 1 million active users, leveraging social media, influencers, and partnerships.
    • User Engagement Campaigns.Introduce seasonal events, challenges, and competitions to keep users engaged and returning to the app regularly.
    Q4 2024
  • Phase 3: Token Integration & Reward System

    • Rocket Token Launch. Introduce the Rocket token, enabling users to convert their virtual balances into Rocket tokens.
    • Airdrop for Active Users. Reward early adopters and active users with airdrops based on their virtual rewards and in-app activities, incentivizing continued engagement.
    • Staking & Reward Programs. Implement staking mechanisms where users can stake Rocket tokens to earn additional rewards or unlock exclusive content.
    Q1 2025
  • Phase 4: Exchange Listings & Expansion

    • Token Listing on Exchanges. Secure listings for Rocket tokens on major cryptocurrency exchanges, providing liquidity and trading opportunities for users and investors.
    • Partnerships with DeFi Platforms. Collaborate with DeFi platforms to offer additional earning opportunities for Rocket token holders, such as yield farming and liquidity provision.
    • Expansion to New Markets. Expand the app’s reach by localizing for new regions and languages, tapping into global markets.
    Q2 2025
  • Phase 5: Long-Term Sustainability & Ecosystem Growth

    • NFT Integration. Introduce NFTs that represent unique in-game items, achievements, or avatars that users can buy, sell, or trade within the ecosystem.
    • Strategic Partnerships. Form strategic partnerships with major brands and gaming platforms to expand the app’s ecosystem, driving both user growth and token value.
    • Continuous User Engagement. Keep the community engaged with ongoing updates, new games, and seasonal content, ensuring the long-term success and sustainability of the decentralized organization.
The sky is not the limit...